
Hi, I’m Cat.

I translate law and policy into code as a Senior Privacy Engineer at Dynatrace. I’m also developing an introductory online course on privacy engineering and keeping one foot (…sometimes it feels like both feet!) in the world of research, exploring technology’s impact on society with a focus on privacy and human rights. I’m interested in privacy concerns at every layer of the tech stack, but especially so at the hardware level.

Previously, I explored how to bridge the gap between tech and policy as an Internet Society Early Career Fellow and ECCRI European Cybersecurity Fellow, hacked CPUs for a living at the IAIK, had a brief but transformative glimpse into the world of Privacy and Civil Liberties Engineering at Palantir, and did my initial geeking out over computer architecture and security in my MEng in Computer Science at the University of Bristol.

When I’m not coding, you’ll usually find me in the mountains, either knee-deep in snow or gazing in awe at the views! You can check out some of my adventures here.


Talks and Articles

I present and write about privacy, security, and policy, with some mountain expeditions thrown in for good measure.

Academic Service

  • ACM CCS: Program Committee (Hardware, Side Channels, and Cyber-Physical Systems Track) 2023, 2024
  • USENIX PEPR: Program Committee 2024
  • IACR CHES: Artifact Review Committee 2023

Giving What We Can

A badge from the organization Giving What We Can with the text 'I donate 10% of my income to effective charities'

I’ve taken the Giving What We Can 🔸 10% Pledge, and I encourage you to do the same if that’s financially feasible for you.

If you’d like to donate but don’t know how or where to start, Giving What We Can has some great resources to help guide you in evaluating which charities can do the most good with your money - and to nudge you to get started! (Check out “How Rich Am I?”)